#45Support strikethrough in Markdown
Would it be possible to parse strikethrough markup? In PHP-Markdown, two ~ characters mark the start of a strikethrough, e.g. this is good bad.
Ouvert par nodiscc il y a 10 années.
Would it be possible to parse strikethrough markup? In PHP-Markdown, two ~ characters mark the start of a strikethrough, e.g. this is good bad.
Ouvert par nodiscc il y a 10 années.
This is a missing feature in PHP Markdown, and in the markdown syntax in general. It has been introduced in GitHub, but PHP Markdown has still the feature missing.
I have added a quick fix, and it seemed to work in all the basic situations I have tested. Please tell me if you find a bug !
does notworks !Testing
it worksMaking sure it's
escaped ~~in code blocks~~
All right, many thanks!
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